Most local social networkers and big ballers on tycoon status know of or have heard about Dan Gordon, President of Samuel Gordon Jewelers in

You are known for being the President of Samuel Gordon's Jewelry Store and building buzz through local events and large amounts of social networking...but here's the thing... we all know deep down inside you got some gangsta in ya! What are your top 5 rap tracks of all time.
I definitely am a big fan of rap, grew up listening to it. For me, it would be extremely difficult to pick just 5 favorites but I'll list some that I beleive I'll never, ever get sick of listening to.
When Gangsta Rap hit the market, I loved it and just knew it was gonna be Huge. I was and always will be a big fan of what N.W.A...what Dre, Ice Cube, Eazy...so many more to add to the list did for hip-hop down the road and they didn't even know it yet. Forward thinking guys that truly paved the way for so much.

2. Sir Mix A Lot / Posse on Broadway
Just a classic, and brings me back to actually cruising Broadway in Edmond, "The Strip" as we called it, with my friends when I was much, much younger during my early high school years.

3. Snoop Dogg / Gin and Juice
I could list so many I like from Snoop, I love Drop it like its Hot for something more current, he just seems to be able to, especially earlier on, take an amazing melody and use his smooth lyrical talent to hypnotize the mind...songs you just can't get tired of no matter how hard you try. Also this video was awesome.

4. Ice-T / Colors
I loved this movie and Ice T's voice just commands respect. I always admired him for his enthusiasm for staying as real as he could no matter how much fame and fortune came his way.

5. 50 Cent/Eminem - In Da Club/Lose Yourself
I think 50 and Eminem compliment one another amazingly so. I can't believe how Eminems hyper, and lyrically genius style goes with 50's laid back, but yet authoritatively commanding vibe. Love 'em both.
You are in the beginning stages of developing an iPhone app called BlingShare, that lets people all over the world share pictures & info on their jewelry. You have taken the word "bling", which was a popular song lyric from BG & Lil Wayne's track "Bling Bling" and turned it into a household term for rich old ladies! Do you ever have to explain the origin of the phrase to people who have never heard it? How did all this "bling" verbiage come about with you personally?
Bling is now in the dictionary. http://www.merriam-webster.
I remember when it(bling) first became a buzz word in our industry and how so many so called "experts" were saying it was a fad and that you would eventually be dated if you continued to use it. At the height of its popularity they claimed this, I never beleived it would go away. Man were they wrong, in fact, I don't know of anyone I've ever spoken with who doesn't know what it means or doesn't use it themselves at some point. I'm also extremely happy that it's embraced within our industry. The more we can take the snob appeal out of our industry, the more we will evolve as a retail category. People deserve to feel comfortable, not scared when they are shopping for anything.... Especially jewelry, which is a very mysterious product as it is.
Bling Share is a work in progress, it has made it into the Apple Web App Store. I have big plans and ideas for it, so please stay tuned.
Most of us who have had anything to do with hip hop know about Jacob The Jeweler and his infamous chains & watches he has done for rappers: Jay-Z, Kanye West, Biz Markie etc.. What do you think about his work? Have you done any custom work or sold anything to well known rappers or celebrities?
We have a pretty nice list of celebrities whom have shopped with us at Samuel Gordon Jewelers, especially given the fact and reality that we are located in Oklahoma. We've had the privilege of serving a very diverse clientele, in that regards, over the years. Unfortunately to name a few, we must keep all customers identities private if they've purchased from us no matter how famous or not at all. It's out of respect. But, I can tell you there are some pics of some of them in Gary Gordon's office, if you ever get a chance please stop by :) And to answer your question about Jacob, I love the big bling like what J & Co. offers. We actually carry IceLink, which makes jewelry and diamond watches that can go up to $100,000 +
I notice you are a big fan of "Music Monday" on Twitter and regularly take requests. Did you ever have a dream somewhere deep down inside to be a DJ?
When I was a kid, thinking about what I wanted to be when I "grew up", 3 always came to mind. A DJ, a psychologist or an actor sounded the most interesting. I'm very glad my life path landed me at SGJ with my Dad. Looking back I think I definitely would have made a horrible one of all three, maybe not the DJ, but the hours would definitely suck ;)
Samuel Gordon Jewelers
I'm pretty sure he would love it if you added him on Twitter as well: @DanGordon